Yesterday we were fortunate enough to attend a talk with Januz Waledzik, a 94-year-old Warsaw hero of the 1944 Uprising. His codename was "Czarny" which translates into black. His riveting experiences of participating in the uprising brought history to life. We were able to learn and ask questions from a living "primary" source which is rare since we are losing survivors due to the passage of time. Many details and stories illuminated both Januz's struggle and the struggle of those around him. Drawing from his memory and a collection of artifacts; we relived history through Januz's experiences. To me, Januz represents the Polish fighting spirit. Despite being a teenager, Januz fought German forces coming out victorious notwithstanding his lack of formal military training. In the picture above, you see Januz's decorated helmet. He utilized the recovered German helmet and decorated it with Polish flag colors to identify himself to his fellow combatants.
Often my students ask me if I was alive during certain events even if they happened more than 100 years ago. For once, I will be able to tell them I met someone present when it happened. Using my photographs and notes, I will be able to share Januz's story of fighting in the 1944 Uprising. It will make the experience more authentic and relatable to my students. Using primary sources always generates more interest and enthusiasm when studying the not-so-distant past. This was truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.