By Michael Anes
As I previously posted, Dr. Aleksandra Różalska is a friend of Heather's from our Fulbright experience in Łódź (pronounced woodge) in 2010-11. She is also the director of an EU-sponsored two-year masters program in gender studies called GEMMA, which attracts students from all over the world. In fact, of all the GEMMA students in attendance at her talk with our educator group, only one was Polish! Here are some pictures of her stimulating talk.

Next was Dr. Hab. Ela Durys, also Heather's long-time friend, now at the University of Warsaw (UW is the equivalent of Harvard or Yale in the US). Ela is an expert on the cinema of national remembrance, and presented a lecture and biopic film about the most well-known and important Polish sexologist.

And the next day we had a new lecture topic for our Poland groups - the contribution of Polish peasant conceptions to Polish national ideology. Dr. Hab. Michał Rauszer of UW used a variety of media and was a great addition. We will absolutely ask him to lecture to our groups again!

We had these Łódź lectures just in the first two days, and we had much exploring of the city to do yet, as well as a trip to the Łódź Textile Museum and the Łódź Jewish cemetery, both of which are vital in order to get a full understanding of this wonderfully exciting City of Four Cultures.